
JTouch INF7540e has 4K resolution, Total Touch Control™, built-in education features and an open Android platform, the JTouch is a fully customizable, all-in-one teaching, collaboration, and presentation solution. SkyBond manufacturing process provides Improved touch performance reducing the parallax to improve usability to a near "pen on paper" experience. Ultra-fast 5th generation infrared touch with 20 points makes it easy to pull up menu options quickly and easily with incredible intuitive touch gestures and allows for many users to engage at the same time. Brainstorm, capture, save, and share your ideas on an interactive whiteboard without borders or barriers. Use a complete collection of digital pens, shapes, lines, and colours to create and draw on a giant multi-screen canvas. Paste backgrounds and images onto a whiteboard, annotate on top and save for the future.

InFocus JTouch 75" Datasheet

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